Hi, My name is Ellie!

I am a wife to Jay and together we have two kids, Jones and Claire.

I am an enneagram 2 and flip flop my wings between a 1 & a 3.

The best way to get to know me is to follow me on Instagram. I post a couple times a week and am active on Instagram stories. https://instagram.com/livingsatisfied

I am a Birth/Postpartum Doula and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who works almost exclusively virtual! Check out more about me on my website www.livingsatisfied.com

Program Details

This Pregnancy Planner E-course is designed to get you started planning out your pregnancy.

There is so much to do in so little time, especially if you aren't feeling well. This program will get you started, while giving insight as to how to stay healthy mentally throughout.

This course is closed for enrollment.